Activate your Human Firewalls

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Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Kymatio, a new approach to compliance

Reduction of compliance risk of human origin through the establishment of internal risk prevention and management mechanisms.

Kymatio - Human firewall activation and cyber risk management

Supporting the compliance officer and his team:

# New normality, how to manage it?

Identification and classification of potential operational risks that the organization faces derived from the activity of its employees.

# Productive diligence

Proactivity in the demonstration of diligence and prevention of criminal liability in the construction of the legal shield against the requirements of the regulator, being a fundamental pillar in the Crime Prevention Plan.

# Guarantee of diligence regarding third parties

Kymatio is a key service in demonstrating third party compliance. Likewise, it provides customers and society in general with evidence of the organization's commitment to the wellbeing of its employees and the protection of the information for which the entity is responsible.

Cyber risk reduction

Through the analysis of the exposure to information security risk associated with people and the activation of mitigation measures


Automated and risk data driven process, allowing teams to focus their efforts on the most critical areas

Recurring evaluation

Periodic and automated evaluation that allows continuous monitoring of risk and accompanying employees in their awareness and strengthening

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