Revolutionize human
cyber risk management

Boosts people's alertness and behavior against threats

Train and measure with advanced social engineering simulations

Convergence between cybersecurity and psychology that improves employee engagement

Consciousness in an efficient, automatic and personalized way
Trust Kymatio
+80% Reduction of human errors
Increase content retention by customizing awareness for each user
Activate your human firewalls
People at the center: make your employees the strongest link
innovative approach
and efficient

and metrics


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Discover the webinars on cybersecurity and the human factor
AI at the service of the cybercriminal: how to update awareness plans to face this paradigm shift?
Social Engineering and Case Analysis: Phishing
The human factor in cybersecurity
Cyber risks in SMEs
Employee cyber risk in the Legal field
Cyber risk of employees in the insurance sector
Internal threats in companies: Proactive defense
and protection of the "insider"
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Kymatio and Cefiros: A New Alliance to Strengthen Organizational Cyber ..
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